Analisis Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Pop Up Book Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Ipa Di Sekolah Dasar : A Systemstic Literature Review


  • Jessica Rahmadita Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi
  • Levi Musfiza
  • Melsandra Amanda Putri
  • Fitri Yabashiru


Kata Kunci:

Learning media, Student interests, Education, Elementary school, Literature review


Current developments require teachers to be more creative and innovative in applying media learning that is in line with the times. One of the learning media can be used as pop up book media. Research researchers in various fields and levels Education has done a lot of research into learning media, including pop up book media, one of which at the elementary school education level. This research aims to find out whether The use of pop up book media can improve student learning outcomes, especially for the eyes Elementary school science lessons, the method used is a systematic literature review with Google Scholar database. The reviewed literature was analyzed based on publications with a range 2019-2023 with search keywords in 4 search stages. In the first stage,Data was obtained using the search keyword "pop up book learning media" as much as possible 1,170 documents. then in Step 2 by adding the search keyword "and" and "improving learning outcomes" and "science in elementary schools" obtained 92 data document After that, the final search step is carried out by determining several the exclusion criteria were 8 articles that could be accessed. After in-depth analysis,There were only 6 articles that were appropriate to the field of study, while the other 2 articles were not appropriate with criteria. Based on the findings of a literature study on pop up book learning media use in elementary schools in science subjects can increase interest in learning, results learning, critical thinking skills, and increasing learning motivation.


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Biografi Penulis

Levi Musfiza





Cara Mengutip

Rahmadita, J., Musfiza, L. ., Amanda Putri, M., & Yabashiru, F. (2023). Analisis Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Pop Up Book Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Ipa Di Sekolah Dasar : A Systemstic Literature Review. JIMU:Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisipliner, 1(01), 31–42.