Model Pembelajaran RADEC Sebagai Alternatif Dalam Meningkatkan Higher Order Thingking Skill Pada Pembelajaran Ipa Di Sekolah Dasar : a systematic literature
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Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), RADEC Learning Model, Systematic Literature ReviewAbstrak
High-level thinking skills (HOTS) are more complex thinking abilities than low-level thinking skills. includes the ability to analyze, evaluate, and create. In the context of science learning, it has an important role in developing students' intellectual capacity and preparing them to face challenges in the modern era. The aim of this research is to help teachers also face difficulties in developing appropriate teaching and learning indicators that meet the concept of Higher Order Thinking Skills. This research uses a systematic literature review method using the Google Scholar database. The literature reviewed is articles published between 2019 and 2023 with keyword searches carried out in three stages. In the first stage, 368 documents were found with the keyword "RADEC learning model". Then, in the second stage, the data was reduced by focusing the search on research subjects in science learning resulting in 119 documents, in the third stage, documents, by focusing the search on research subjects in elementary schools produced 109 documents. Finally, in the fourth stage, the data was validated by establishing criteria for publicly accessible article documents, resulting in 9 documents that met these criteria. In in-depth data analysis, 6 articles that were appropriate to the research field were analyzed, while 3 other articles did not meet the criteria and were excluded from the analysis. The results of this literature study show that the RADEC learning model is an alternative solution to present a learning model that is easy to memorize the syntax and in accordance with Indonesian characteristics and the RADEC learning model has been proven to increase students' Higher Order Thinking Skills in various studies.