Analisis Perkembangan Fisik, Psikologi, dan Sosial Pada Fase Balita Hingga Lansia


  • Wesli Edrianto Bancin Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung
  • Okta Viana Boangmanalu Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung
  • Samuel Moi Ganang Manik Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung
  • Donni Berutu Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung
  • Lisna Wati Solin Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung
  • Dorlan Naibaho Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung


Kata Kunci:

physical, psychological, social


This research aims to carry out a comprehensive analysis of physical, psychological and social development from the toddler to elderly stages. The primary focus of this research is to understand the interactions between these factors and their influence on individuals' lives across their lifespan. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods with direct observations and interviews as well as a multidisciplinary approach, collecting data from various sources such as empirical studies, scientific literature and statistical data. The results of the analysis show that human development from toddlerhood to the elderly involves complex dynamics between physical, psychological and social factors. The implication of this research is the importance of a deep understanding of the human development process to design effective interventions in improving the quality of life of individuals in various phases of their lives.


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Cara Mengutip

Bancin, W. E. ., Boangmanalu, O. V. ., Manik, S. M. G. ., Berutu, D. ., Solin, L. W. ., & Naibaho, D. . (2024). Analisis Perkembangan Fisik, Psikologi, dan Sosial Pada Fase Balita Hingga Lansia. JIMU:Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisipliner, 2(01), 63–76.