Etika Kristen dan Teknologi Informasi Sebuah Tinjauan Menurut Perspektif Alkitab
DOI: Kunci:
Christian, ethnic, morality, technologyAbstrak
Ethics are things related to principles, morals, decency, inner feelings and tendencies of the human heart which are formed in the human environment itself. Christian ethics is based more on the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ who is an example and role model for life. Christian ethics is a response to God's grace and work that has saved humans from sin. The reference point for Christian ethics is the truth of God's word revealed in the Bible, something that leads to God's word. This means that something that is true will not contradict God's word. In this article, the aim of the discussion is the view of Christian Ethics in 1 Corinthians 11:14 for Christian youth. 1 Corinthians 11:14 is a verse that is often debated in Christianity, especially regarding clothing ethics and gender roles. This verse reads: Hasn't nature itself told you that it is a shame for a man if he has long hair, but that it is an honor for a woman if she has long hair? Interpretations of 1 Corinthians 11:14 can vary depending on denomination and theological school of thought. It is important to study various interpretations and discuss them with others to gain a more complete understanding of Christian ethics.
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