Peran Orang Tua dalam Proses Pemulihan Anak Pecandu Narkoba Pasca Rehabilitasi dari Lembaga Rehabilitasi Narkoba Islam Khalid Bin Walid
DOI: Kunci:
Drug Abuse, Recovery, Rehabilitation, Parenthood, CollaborationAbstrak
Drug abuse is a serious problem in society, including in Indonesia, involving not only adults but also children. Parents play an important role in guiding their children towards positive behavior and keeping away from drug abuse. This study aims to analyze the role of parents as motivators in the recovery of children of drug addicts after rehabilitation, as well as factors that influence the effectiveness of the role of parents in helping their children recover from drug addiction. Using a qualitative approach and in-depth interviews with five parents of drug-addicted children who had undergone rehabilitation, it was found that parents played an important role in guiding their children towards recovery. A positive attitude, support, and open communication as well as the establishment of clear boundaries are key to the effectiveness of the role of parents in helping children recover from drug addiction. The results highlight the importance of parents' role in their children's drug rehabilitation process, not only as advocates but also as active agents of change. Collaboration between drug rehabilitation institutions, parents, and communities is crucial in efforts to prevent and recover from drug abuse
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