Pengaruh Peran Keluarga Terhadap Kesejahteraan Emosional Remaja di Dusun Kutambaru
DOI: Kunci:
Family roles, emotional well-being, YouthAbstrak
This study aims to examine the extent of family influence on the emotional well-being of adolescents. This research uses qualitative methods by conducting interviews with resource persons. The results showed that family roles had a significant influence on the emotional well-being of adolescents. Emotional support, effective communication, and the physical presence of parents have been shown to contribute positively to adolescent emotional stability. In addition, teens who feel supported and understood by their families tend to have lower levels of anxiety and depression and have higher self-esteem. This research provides empirical evidence that families play an important role in shaping adolescent emotional well-being. These findings emphasize the importance of interventions and programs that support parents' active involvement in adolescents' lives. Thus, policies and programs designed to improve communication and family support can have a positive impact on adolescent mental health
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