The Provision of Pledge in the Sale and Purchase of Salam in the Perspective of Islamic Economics
DOI: Kunci:
Pawn, Sale and Purchase, SalamAbstrak
This study aims to find out about the perspective of Islamic economics on the provision of pawn on salam sale and purchase. The method of library research by examining the book Fathul Baari by Imam Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani. The results of the study concluded that there are differences in scholarly opinion on the law of giving a pawn on salam sale and purchase. The scholars who allow pawning in the sale and purchase of salam refer to the hadith of the prophet ari Al A'masy. Meanwhile, the scholars who disfavor it refer to the opinion of Ibn Umar, Al Hasan, Al Auza'i and Imam Ahmad. The other scholars gave leniency, and their proof was the word of Allah surah Al Baqarah verse 282.
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