Analisis Semiotika Kecurangan Pemilu dalam Film Dokumenter Dirty Vote
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If we examine further, the democratic system in Indonesia is still very far from the dream, because it is far from the meaning of democracy. Especially in elections which determine the continuation of democracy from the people by the people and for the people. In fact, this is still very far from being implemented. This research uses a descriptive qualitative research method with Julia Kristeva's semiotic analysis because Kristeva combines structural analysis (focusing on the internal elements of the text) and contextual analysis (considering the social, cultural and historical context). This is relevant to "Dirty Vote" because it is important to understand the political and social context in conveying the film's message. The research results show that the meaning of the film's genotext shows election fraud, while the meaning of the phenotext is the visuals seen by the audience. while the idea of abjection helps explain the feelings viewers have when viewing photos showing election fraud.
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