Analisis Nilai Sosial pada Cerita Rakyat Bujang Kurap Karya Suwandi Syam


  • Syaiful Abid Universitas PGRI Silampari


Kata Kunci:

Social Values, Folklore, Bujang Kurap


Social value is the appreciation given by society to everything that is good, important, noble, appropriate and has functional efficacy for the development and goodness of life together. Social Values ​​include the true value of human life, the true value of human work, the true value of human position in space and time, the true value of human relationships with nature, and the true value of human relationships with each other. This research aims to describe the social values ​​in the folklore Bujang Kurap by Suwandi Syam. The research method is qualitative. Based on the results, the Bujang Kurap folktale has a total of 76 quotations containing social values. There are 26 quotes about the nature of human life, 12 quotes about the nature of human work, 13 quotes about the nature of human position, 15 quotes about the nature of human relationships with each other, and 10 quotes about the nature of human relationships with nature. So, based on research findings, social values ​​in the form of the essence of human life appear the most, while social values ​​in the form of the essence of human relationships with nature appear the least.


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Cara Mengutip

Abid, S. . (2024). Analisis Nilai Sosial pada Cerita Rakyat Bujang Kurap Karya Suwandi Syam. JIMU:Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisipliner, 2(02), 531–537.