Sistem Monitoring Kehadiran Mahasiswa Berbasis IoT
DOI: Kunci:
RFID, Internet of Things, Attendance Monitoring SystemAbstrak
Conventional student attendance monitoring systems often face problems such as data inaccuracy and delays in attendance information. This study aims to develop an efficient and real-time RFID and Internet of Things (IoT)-based student attendance monitoring system. The methods used include hardware design using the RC522 RFID module and ESP32 microcontroller, web-based software development, and implementing WhatsApp notifications using the API. The trial results show that the system successfully integrates RFID and IoT technology with a tag reading accuracy level at an optimal distance of 1-5 cm. The system is able to send real-time notifications to parents' WhatsApp with a success rate of around 80% and an average response time of 1.2 seconds from RFID reading to recording in the database. The developed web interface obtained a System Usability Scale (SUS) score of 82.5, indicating a good level of usability. The developed system offers an effective solution to improve the accuracy and efficiency of student attendance monitoring, as well as increasing transparency between educational institutions and parents.
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