Analisis Daya Tahan Kardio Respirasi Pemain Futsal Team Garda Sport FC: Kunci Keberhasilan di Lapangan


  • Femil Arjun Rinaldi Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi
  • Yopi Hutomo Bhakti Universitas Muhammadiyah kotabumi
  • Yolanda Vingka Rani Universitas Muhammadiyah kotabumi

Kata Kunci:

Futsal, Cardiorespiratory, Training, Oxygen


Futsal is a ball game played by two teams, each with five members. The goal of the game is to score by getting the ball into the opponent's net as many times as possible by manipulating the ball with the feet. This study analyzes the cardiorespiratory endurance of the futsal team Garda Sport FC, which is a crucial factor in sports with high aerobic capacity like futsal. Cardiorespiratory endurance is the ability to perform large-muscle, whole-body exercise at moderate to high intensity for extended periods (Widiastuti, 2017). Many terms have been used to denote this physical fitness component, including aerobic fitness and aerobic capacity. This research uses a comprehensive method by measuring physiological parameters such as heart rate, oxygen consumption, and the ability to maintain physical activity over time. The players' average heart rate reached 165 beats per minute, indicating high cardiovascular fitness. Oxygen consumption of 45 ml/kg/min suggests good aerobic capacity. These results indicate that the players have outstanding physical endurance, essential in the intense game of futsal.

Recommendations for improving cardiorespiratory endurance include interval training, cross-training, strength training, and periodization. Implementing these strategies is expected to enhance the players' performance and cardiovascular fitness. This study provides valuable insights into the fitness level of the Garda Sport FC team and their potential success on the field, as well as offering strategies for further improvement.


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Cara Mengutip

Rinaldi, F. A. ., Hutomo Bhakti, Y. ., & Vingka Rani, Y. (2024). Analisis Daya Tahan Kardio Respirasi Pemain Futsal Team Garda Sport FC: Kunci Keberhasilan di Lapangan. JIMU:Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisipliner, 2(04), 1112–1116. Diambil dari


