Pentingnya Penginjilan Dalam Pelayanan Remaja di HKBP BERASTAGI


  • Oloria Malau Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung
  • Masito Anggini Magdalena Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung
  • Oktaviani Simbolon Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung
  • Junaedi Simorangkir Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung


Kata Kunci:

Evangelism, growth, faith


The importance of evangelism in youth ministry is that it provides an opportunity for youth to experience salvation and become part of the Body of Christ, as described in 1 Corinthians 12:12-7 and Ephesians 1:22-23. In the context of youth ministry, evangelism can be carried out through various models, such as interpersonal, personal, mass, media ministry, social ministry, and friendship, as explained in "Applying Evangelism Models in the Present" by Hannas, Rinawaty. Evangelism can also be done through social services, such as hospital visits, education, and providing natural disaster relief, which helps build communication "bridges" to express the very distinctive teachings of Jesus Christ, namely love. The importance of evangelism in youth ministry also lies in how evangelism is carried out. can help teenagers to understand and experience the salvation received by Jesus Christ. Evangelism can help teenagers understand that the salvation received by Jesus Christ is not only in the form of good news, but also in the form of news about the grace of salvation received through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.


Data unduhan belum tersedia.


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Packer, J.I, 2003.Penginjilan dan Kedaulatan Allah – Evangelism and the Sovereighty of God. Surabaya: Momentum.

Bailey, Brian, 2015. Roh Kudus Sang Penghibur. Jakarta: Voice of Hope

Greg Stier, The Christian Post, remaja

Benson, Warren S, and Mark H Senter III. Pedoman Lengkap Untuk Pelayanan Kaum Muda. Bandung: Kalam Hidup, 1999

Ester, Ester, and Meily Lunanta. ―Pengaruh Pelayanan Remaja Terhadap Pertumbuhan Rohani Remaja Usia 12-15 Tahun Di Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia Jemaat Antutan Kalimantan Utara.‖ Repository Skripsi Online 2, no. 1 (May 2020): 45–54.



Cara Mengutip

Malau, O. ., Magdalena , M. A. ., Simbolon , O. ., & Simorangkir , J. . (2024). Pentingnya Penginjilan Dalam Pelayanan Remaja di HKBP BERASTAGI. JIMU:Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisipliner, 2(02), 206–2013.

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