Analisis SWOT Pada UMKM Pisang Lumer Crispy
DOI: Kunci:
SWOT Analysis, MSMEs,, Crispy Meler BananasAbstrak
Crispy melted bananas are one of the most popular banana preparations in Indonesia. Because of its popularity, many MSMEs also make crispy melted bananas into their business products. With this, of course, there will be fierce competition among these business actors. Therefore, in order for their business to be superior or can survive, a SWOT analysis is needed that can help them to develop a strategy so that their crispy melted banana business can be superior. Analyzing the SWOT of MSMEs with melted crispy bananas is the goal of this research. This study uses a qualitative methodology, and a literature review method that involves reading and evaluating journals or previous scientific papers is used to collect data. The results obtained from this research are that SWOT analysis can help MSMEs with crispy melter bananas in their efforts
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