Membangun Dialog Demi Menjaga Kerukunan Didalam Umat Beragama
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Building, Dialogue, Religious HarmonyAbstrak
Dialogue between religious communities is a meeting to seek truth and practice love to create peace and brotherhood in Yogyakarta. Some of Pope Francis' recommendations for developing interreligious dialogue are that interreligious dialogue must touch the personal space of the participants, not just their educational level. To build a better society, we must apply dialogue as a service to the public. Religious harmony is an important concept in social life, especially in religiously heterogeneous societies. This concept shows the importance of tolerance and mutual respect between people of different religions.In general, religious harmony in Indonesia is well maintained. Many religious communities live side by side, respect each other's beliefs, and show tolerance and unity in everyday life. This is reflected in the many religious activities that are often celebrated by followers of different religions, such as Christmas and Eid al-Fitr. Ummah are people who believe in religion. And religion means following (practicing) religion. Religion means belief in God, devotion to God, belief in and acceptance of religion. This understanding means that every person who adheres to and adheres to a particular religion or belief that he or she adheres to, without any coercion or coercion between the community and other communities, is free from all teachings and beliefs that determine their survival in pursuing education. In this context, a community is a group people who adhere to the same beliefs and teachings and perform religious rituals together. Meanwhile, the word "religious" means adhering to or practicing a religion. Covers various aspects of religious life, starting from believing in God, carrying out worship, and living according to the teachings of that religion. Therefore, religion is not just an identity but also an activity that involves obedience and devotion to God. Religion itself is defined as a belief system about God. This belief is expressed in various worship, prayers and daily activities of religious people. In general, what is meant by "religious people" is a group of people who not only adhere to a religion, but also actively practice the teachings and worship of that religion. This method was chosen to provide an in-depth and complete picture of the phenomenon being studied. In the process of qualitative descriptive data analysis, text is used as data in a comprehensive, systematic and organized manner according to certain topics. This approach makes it easier for researchers to draw conclusions and understand the context and content of the data being studied. Secondary data sources taken from various literature are used in this research to enrich the analysis. These sources include books, regulations available on the Internet and several previous studies related to the research topic. In general, all Indonesians do well in school, and most have their needs and preferences met. It emphasizes the importance of tolerance and respect for different forms of behavior. In general, all Indonesian people do well in school and most of their needs and desires are met. It emphasizes the importance of tolerance and respect for different forms of behavior. In general, all Indonesian people do well in school and most of their needs and desires are met.
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Konstruksi Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Beragama Dalam Perspektif Filsafat Agama
Penulis Theguh Saumantri Tanggal penerbitan 2022/10/30 Jurnal Substansi: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin Volume 24 Masalah 2 Halaman 164-80.