Makna Estetika dalam Kumpulan Puisi Langit Petang Karya Taufik Ismail
Kata Kunci:
evening sky poetry, Taufik Ismail, aesthetic meaningAbstrak
The collection of poems Langit Petang by Taufik Ismail examines in depth the aesthetic meaning contained in each stanza.The aim of this research is to analyze the aesthetic elements that form the beauty of poetry, such as the use of vocabulary, imagery and metaphor.Through its stylistic approach, the poems in this collection not only depict social and humanitarian themes, but also provide readers with a rich aesthetic experience.Ishmael's carefully chosen language creates a strong emotional tone, and his use of visual imagery and figurative language conveys deep messages about life and human struggle.This analysis reveals that the beauty of the poem "Langit Petang" lies in its ability to evoke emotions and stimulate thoughts through artistic linguistic structures.Thus, the work not only functions as a medium for the author's personal expression, but also as a mirror that reflects the social realities facing our society.This research aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of internal aesthetic values
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