Dampak Perceraian dalam Hukum Keluarga Islam terhadap Kesehatan Mental Anak
Kata Kunci:
Divorce, Islamic Law, IndonesiaAbstrak
Divorce in Islamic law is an act or step taken by a husband and wife if their household relationship cannot be reunited and if it continues it will cause harm to both the husband, wife, children and their environment. So that in Islamic law, divorce is carried out in a good way in order to create benefits for all interested parties. This good method can be realized by looking at the provisions of Article 65 of Law no. 7 of 1989 in conjunction with Law no. 3 of 2006 in conjunction with Law no. 50 of 2009 concerning Religious Courts, and the Compilation of Islamic Law Article 115 which states that divorce can only be carried out in front of a Religious Court session after the Religious Court has tried and failed to reconcile the two parties. This is what has not been socialized evenly in all levels of society, so there are still legal violations for people who carry out divorce outside of court by a religious court judge. This will have a negative impact on the survival of the husband and wife or their children in the next life. The purpose of this research is to analyze and sharpen the analysis of the true nature of divorce when viewed based on the provisions of Islamic law that apply in Indonesia as one way for these regulations to be absorbed by all levels of society. Because as we know, some people still struggle with tradition. When faced with family problems, they don't do it in front of a religious court. This research method leads to library research, referring to the theory of legal application, legal objectives, legal development, legal implementation and law enforcement in Indonesia in creating justice, benefit, order and peace in society.
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