An Analysis of Teacher Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension at SMP N 1 Metro Academic year 2022/2023
This paper aims to examine the use of educational games applications in building discipline character and hard work of students through the science learning process. It is proper that every student has the nature of discipline and hard work in learning, but this must be instilled as early as possible. Not a few school-age children currently have a low level of learning discipline and hard work attitude to obtain good learning achievements. This problem must be immediately addressed by various parties, especially from the educators. There must be character education to teach the nature of discipline and also hard work. School-age children are very vulnerable to pressure and coercion, so this must also be considered if they want to provide discipline character education. One way to grow the values of discipline without the pressure and coercion is education that is taught in fun way, one of them is education by using educational media games. With educational games that contain the education of character discipline and the attitude of hard work in the learning process, students are expected to have a better discipline and also have a higher hard working nature so that they will get success in the future.
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