Metode Discovery Learning untuk Menunjang Pembelajaran Menulis Puisi Kelas VII SMP Negeri 10 Kota Metro
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Discovery learning, Writing poetryAbstrak
Most students have difficulty writing poetry, students seem to write poetry as is. Writing poetry is a learning subject in Indonesian literature lessons which is first studied in class IV in elementary school. Learning to write poetry aims to get to know and be able to enjoy the literary work itself, apart from that, in teaching literature students can express ideas, notions or opinions which become students' expressions. Good learning requires media as an intermediary for effective learning messages and a means to equalize student perceptions, as is the case with learning to write poetry. The formulation of the problem in this research is how the discovery learning method can support learning to write poetry for class VII SMP Negeri 10 Metro City. Based on the problem formulation above, the aim of this research is to describe the discovery learning method to support learning to write poetry for class VII SMP Negeri 10 Metro City. In this research, the data collection method used is a type of qualitative field research (Field Research), namely research that requires researchers to go to the field to make observations about a phenomenon in a natural setting. Based on research and data analysis, it can be concluded that the discovery learning method for this class is suitable for use as a learning medium to support the learning of writing poetry for class VII A students. The feasibility of this learning media for the discovery learning method is measured from the material validation assessment process by obtaining a final average score. 4.4 namely “Very Decent”; media validation with a final average score of 4.8, namely "Very Appropriate", initial field trials on 4 students with an average response score of 4.3, namely "Very Appropriate"; main field trials on 10 students with an average final score of 4.3, namely "Very Decent", and operational field trials on 15 students with an average final score of 4.4, namely "Very Decent".
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