Ability to Write Text Descriptions for Grade VII PKBM Homeschooling Primagama Yogyakarta Students
https://doi.org/10.70294/juperan.v2i03.322Kata Kunci:
Ability, Writing, Descriptive TextAbstrak
This study aims to describe the ability to write descriptive texts for seventh grade students of junior high school at PKBM Homeschooling Primagama, taking into account aspects of the content of the description text, the structure of the description text, and the language features of the description text. This type of research is quantitative with a quantitative descriptive research design. The variable of this research is the students' ability to write descriptive text by paying attention to aspects of content, structure, and language features. The research data is in the form of students' scores in writing descriptive text using a predetermined score. The population of this study were all 15 students in class VII SMP at PKBM Homeschooling Primagama Yogyakarta. The research instrument used was a performance test for writing descriptive text based on aspects of content, structure, and linguistic characteristics. The technique used in collecting data is performance technique. The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive statistical techniques. The results showed that the average score of students in writing descriptive text contents was 68.4 with a percentage of 64.5% which was in the quite capable category; compiling the structure of a descriptive text, namely 62.8 with a percentage of 62.8% which is in the quite capable category; and using language features in writing descriptive text, namely 58.6 with a percentage of 34.4% which is in the underprivileged category. In general, the results of the data analysis show that seventh grade students of SMP at PKBM Homeschooing Primagama, as seen from an average score of 66.2 with a percentage of 64.3%, are quite capable of writing descriptive text. It is hoped that the results of this study can be used as evaluation material to improve quality in teaching Indonesian language subjects specifically in the process of implementing learning to write descriptive texts.
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