Analisis Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis pada Materi Bilangan dan Aljabar Siswa Kelas IV SDN 4 Piji


  • Yollanda Vannesicha Widyatma Universitas Muria Kudus
  • Amanda Diva Hadi Ramadhani Universitas Muria Kudus


Kata Kunci:

mathematical problem-solving, number domain, algebra domain, elementary school students


This study aims to analyze the mathematical problem-solving abilities of 4th-grade students at SDN 4 Piji in the domains of number and algebra. The research employs a descriptive qualitative approach with data collected through tests and interviews. The subjects of this study were 4 students from grade IV at SDN 4 Piji. The results indicate that students' problem-solving abilities vary across different cognitive levels. In the number domain, students showed proficiency in basic operations but struggled with more complex problems involving fractions and decimals. In the algebra domain, students demonstrated difficulty in translating word problems into mathematical equations. The study also reveals that students' problem-solving strategies are influenced by their conceptual understanding and prior knowledge. These findings provide insights for educators to develop targeted interventions and teaching strategies to enhance students' mathematical problem-solving skills.


Data unduhan belum tersedia.


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Cara Mengutip

Widyatma, Y. V. ., & Ramadhani, A. D. H. . (2024). Analisis Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis pada Materi Bilangan dan Aljabar Siswa Kelas IV SDN 4 Piji . Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran, 3(01), 335 –.