Gambaran Penerapan Model Paikem dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Sejarah Peradaban Islam Siswa Sekolah Dasar
Kata Kunci:
PAIKEM model, student learning outcomes, SKIAbstrak
This research is a literature study that aims to find out the description of the application of the PAIKEM model (active, innovative, creative, effective, and enjoyable learning) in improving the learning outcomes of Islamic cultural history (SKI) in elementary school students. Literature study is a study used to collect data or information by reviewing or analyzing various forms of material taken from various sources such as documents, books, articles, journals, theses and so on. The sources that are the subject of study in this study are journals, articles, and final assignments. The results of the study show that in several subjects, teachers apply PAIKEM as a learning model. With the aim of improving student learning outcomes, teachers always apply active, innovative, creative, effective, and enjoyable learning. Active Learning is a learning process that allows students to play an active role in learning. This can be described in SKI learning where teachers always innovate and are creative so as to create a pleasant classroom atmosphere that makes students more active in learning and not bored, this can affect student learning outcomes to increase.
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