Psikologi Perkembangan dalam Meningkatkan Emosional dari Anak-Anak Sampai Dewasa Akhir
Children from childhood to late adulthood experience periods where emotional levels are not controlled or where children begin to be sensitized to late adulthood to experience sensitivity to receive stimuli or stimuli. The purpose of this study was to determine the psychology of child development in improving emotional. The approach taken in this study is a skin research, namely observation (observation) and interviews. The results showed that when emotional development factors are inhibited, problems arise and social development can be influential. Like emotional babies when they have problems then arise in parenting and show emotional reactions through physical, shouting when they feel uncomfortable. Emotional problems children have problems that lead to unwanted behaviors such as boredom or laziness. The emotional level of adolescents is easily stressed because of the formation of identity and the emotional level of adults and elderly are irritable because they are connected in life problems
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