Efektivitas Kerja Paruh Waktu Terhadap Aktivititas Beajar dan Psikologi Perkembangan Siswa pada Fase Remaja
https://doi.org/10.70294/jimu.v2i01.338Kata Kunci:
Late teens, side jobs, deveopmental psychology, schoolAbstrak
Late adolescence is a period of human deveopment that takes place between the ages of 18-22 years. At this time, teenagers begin to think about what work they want and are able to do in the future. This research aims to describe side jobs on the psychological deveopment of late adolescents. The type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative using experimental methods. The data collection technique used was interviews. The research results show that having side jobs for teenagers can hep increase independence, hep manage time and provide experience. However, the side effects of side jobs carried out by teenagers are not yet fully understood, namey that they can increase stress and disrupt the balance between school and personal life.
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