Peran Keluarga dalam Psikologi Perkembangan Anak di Desa Pegagan Julu VII
DOI: Kunci:
children's cognitive development, children's social-emotional development, children's psychomotor developmentAbstrak
Psychology Child development is the process by which children change over time. Covers the entire period from infancy to fully functional adulthood. Cognitive development is something that refers to changes in thinking processes throughout a child's life cycle. Social emotional development is the process by which children interact with the people around them and learn to understand and adapt to situations and emotions by listening, observing and imitating what they see. Psychomotor development is the development of control of physical movements through coordinated actions between the central nervous system and muscles. Childhood is the basic period for developing cognitive, social-emotional and psychomotor abilities. In this case, families or parents are expected to be able to direct children to develop better. The environment is also very influential in children's development. This research was carried out to observe how children develop psychology, be it cognitive, social-emotional and psychomotor development. In this article, what we observe is one of the children in Pegagan Julu Village, in Axis sub-district, Dairi. The research method used in this paper is the observation method
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