Penerapan Metode Bercerita dalam Homilitika Untuk AUD di PAUD/TK Sukacita Desa Sipahutar
DOI: Kunci:
Christian Religious Education (PAK), Early Childhood (AUD), storytelling method, homileticsAbstrak
Early childhood is a crucial phase in character development and instilling basic values, including religious values. Religious education for early childhood not only serves to introduce religious concepts, but also to instil a deep understanding so that it can be applied in everyday life. One effective method is storytelling, especially with the use of interesting and interactive animated videos. This research focuses on the effectiveness of the Bible storytelling method through animated videos at Pagar Beringin Permai Kindergarten in improving children's understanding of religious values. The research method used is a literature review that analyses the characteristics, implementation, as well as the outcomes of using animated videos. The findings showed an increase in children's understanding of religious values, engagement, motivation, and positive impact on behaviour. However, challenges such as limited access to resources and teacher training needs need to be addressed.
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