Sistem Pendidikan dan Evolusi Kurikulum di Tiongkok China


  • Handriana Naurah Ihram Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta
  • Umi Karimah Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta
  • Taufik Mutharom Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta


Kata Kunci:

Education, china, education system, evolution, curriculum


China's education system has developed in terms of curriculum and made policies to develop thinking, social interaction, emotional intelligence and the cultivation of noble values, this article contains about the changes that occur with the education system implemented by China every year. The purpose of writing this article is to analyze the education system in China. The method used uses a qualitative approach and with descriptive analysis of the role of the researcher in this study, namely knowing how Indonesian as a national language that functions as a means of communication and has a role as truth information in language will have an influence on the truth of the information to be conveyed. The results of the study show that China has almost the same structure and duration of education as in Indonesia. Early Childhood Education (PAUD) with a duration of three years, Elementary School (SD) 6 years, Junior High School (SMP) 3 years, Senior High School (SMA) 3 years, Academy Education (D-3) 2-3 years, Engineering Department Education 4 years, Bachelor (S1) 4 years, Postgraduate/Master (S-2) 2-3 years, and Doctoral (S-3) 3 years.


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Cara Mengutip

Ihram, H. N. ., Karimah, U. ., & Mutharom, T. . (2023). Sistem Pendidikan dan Evolusi Kurikulum di Tiongkok China. Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran, 2(02), 292–300.