Keterampilan Membaca Siswa di Pedalaman Aceh Utara: Studi Kasus pada SD Negeri 4 Nisam Antara
Kata Kunci:
Reading Skills, Iland North Aceh, Role of Teachers and ParentsAbstrak
This study aimed to evaluate the reading skills of grade IV students at SD Negeri 4 Nisam Antara, a school in rural North Aceh. The main focus of the study included reading fluency, pronunciation accuracy, and us of intonation. The method used was qualitative with purposive sampling technique involving 15 students, 5 parents, and 2 teachers as samples. Data were collected through structured interviews and reading skills were still low, with most students having difficulty in achieving the maximum score on the assessed indicators. The strong influence of Acehnese dialect hinders pronunciation according to Indonesia standards, and the intonation aspect is a challenge. The interview result show teachers have played an active role in improving students reading personal conditions, such as the habit of using regional dialects, are still an obstacle. In addition, support from parents try to help, but their busy work schedules and lack of awareness of the importance of home education are inhibiting factors. This study suggests closer collaboration between teachers, parents and the community in creating a more supportive environment for learning, especially to overcome the barriers faced by students
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