Analisis Pelaksanaan Konsep Lean Manufacturing dalam Meningkatkan Operasional Perusahaan


  • Memey Tarisa Universitas Malikussaleh
  • Nursanjaya Universitas Malikussaleh

Kata Kunci:

Lean Manufacturing, Effectiveness, Company


Lean Manufacturing is a concept used by a company to identify, reduce and eliminate all forms of waste that exist in the company, based on the results of the identification of waste carried out by PT. Buana Estate found that the productivity of PT. Buana Estate from 2018 - 2022 decreased, while the land area and the number of oil palm trees were the same from year to year, this indicates that there is waste that occurs in the company's operational processes. The decline in company productivity in the last five years is caused by waste in the form of land waste, where a lot of land is filled with very old oil palm trees that are more than 25 years old, very old oil palm trees will experience a decrease in productivity and do not produce much fruit. The purpose of this study is to explore the potential for implementing Lean Manufacturing concepts in improving the effectiveness of operational processes in palm oil companies and is expected to provide significant benefits in improving the performance and competitiveness of palm oil companies, as well as contributing to the development of knowledge about the implementation of Lean Manufacturing concepts in company operations.


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Cara Mengutip

Tarisa, M. ., & Nursanjaya. (2024). Analisis Pelaksanaan Konsep Lean Manufacturing dalam Meningkatkan Operasional Perusahaan . JIMU:Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisipliner, 2(03), 860–867. Diambil dari


