Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru terhadap Hail Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran PAK
https://doi.org/10.70294/juperan.v2i03.310Kata Kunci:
competency, pedagogy, learning outcomesAbstrak
The teacher's ability to be a positive, creative and innovative role model in school and have high integrity helps increase learning success, determines the educational, personal, social and professional competence of teachers to improve student learning achievement. This research aims to evaluate the relationship between teacher pedagogical competence in the context of Christian Religious Education (PAK) learning with student learning outcomes. Every school is expected to implement the pedagogical approach of PAK teachers in the teaching process. As an educator, a teacher's responsibility is not only limited to mastering subject matter, but also requires Pedagogical Competency abilities in guiding and forming the character of students. Therefore, teachers need to have a deep understanding of class conditions and dynamics, which creates an interactive learning atmosphere through dialogue and questions and answers between students and teachers. The author formulates research questions regarding the extent to which Religious Education teachers apply Pedagogical Competency in teaching at school, and its impact on increasing students' interest in learning. This research also involves collecting data from various sources, especially journals, using qualitative analysis methods. The author tries to evaluate the extent to which PAK teachers carry out their teaching duties with full responsibility, thereby encouraging high interest in learning in students and achieving satisfactory learning results
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