Asesmen Gaya Belajar Anak Gangguan Spektrum Autisme
DOI: Kunci:
children, autism, interaction, parents, siblingsAbstrak
Autism spectrum disorder is a development disorder that appears before the age of three years old. It has three types of characteristic, inter alia social interaction. Children with autism spectrum disorder need interaction with their families or close-related people because they interact with their own styles. They need people who can understand what they want and their parents have the dominant roles. This study was aimed to obtain the interaction between children with autism and their siblings as well as their parents. This was a descriptive- quantitative study with a cross sectional design. The results showed that there were 64 children with autism spectrum disorder; most were 7-10 years old. Males (59.6%) were more common than females (40.4%). There was interaction between children with autism and their siblings and parents which manifested as raging violently and crying abruptly. Conclusion: Children with autism spectrum disorder were dominantly male and aged 7-10 years old. The interaction between children with autism and their siblings and parents manifested as raging violently and crying abruptly.
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