Peran Kompetensi Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen dalam Membentuk Kepribadian Siswa
DOI: Kunci:
Competence, Christian Religious Education Teacher, PersonalityAbstrak
In the current situation, where developments continue to take place while ignoring ethics, morality and humanity, the role of everyone, especially Christian Religious Education teachers, is very important to discipline students who are carried away by these developments. Of course, this requires the teacher's role to be very important in developing good and commendable traits in students. We realize that the development of science and technology has caused most students to experience an uncontrollable personality crisis. However, we hope that the role of Christian Religious Education Teachers can solve this problem. Therefore, Christian Religious Education teachers must carry out their duties seriously in accordance with the goals of education, namely producing a generation with noble, responsible morals and the character of Christ.
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