Kompetensi Kepribadian Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen dalam Pembentukan Karakter Siswa
https://doi.org/10.70294/juperan.v2i02.274Kata Kunci:
Personality Competencies, Religious Education Teachers, Student Character FormationAbstrak
The student's character will increase when the teacher has superior personality competence by being a person who is able to shape the quality of a student. For this reason, good character must of course be built on the foundation of faith in Jesus Christ, because a person must not only have good morals but also confidence. the most basic. The purpose of writing this article is to find out the personality competencies that a teacher must have in forming student character. Because a teacher's competency is a combination of personal, scientific, technical, social and spiritual skills which are the basic competencies of the teaching profession. These skills are closely related in relation to a teacher's ability to teach in the classroom, including classroom management, as well as the ability to communicate with students. The emphasis here is on the teacher's personal abilities, namely personal abilities that reflect an efficient, stable, mature, wise and authoritative personality, as well as being a role model for students. who has noble character. This research method uses an approach carried out through a qualitative approach. We know that the teacher is a central figure in education, where the personality displayed by the teacher will influence the formation of students' character so that teachers are also disciplined in carrying out their duties well
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