Analisis Tindak Tutur Lokusi, Ilokusi dan Perlokusi dalam Dongeng Kepi Sang Penyelamat Laut Karya Eny Susilowati
Kata Kunci:
Speech acts, pragmatics, locution, illocution, and perlocution.Abstrak
This research aims to discusses the important role of language in communication and explains the concept of pragmatics and speech acts. Language functions as the main tool in conveying meaning and information in social interactions. Speech acts are divided into three categories: locution (statement), illocution (intention behind the statement), and perlocution (influence on the listener). This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach to analyze speech acts in the book "Kepi Sang Penyelamat Laut" by Eny Susilowati. The results of the analysis show various examples of locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary speech acts, as well as the meaning contained in the dialogue between characters that reflect the theme of friendship and helping each other. In the interactions between the characters Nemo, Lobby, and Kepi, there is an emphasis on solidarity and friendship, where the characters remind each other of the importance of helping each other and showing empathy. This overall interaction reflects character growth and hopes for improving the relationship between them
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