Analisis Pragmatik Fungsional: Tindak Tutur Siaran Langsung Jualan di Tiktok Berdasarkan Teori Austin
Kata Kunci:
persuasive language; speech actsAbstrak
The purpose of this study is to apply John Austin's pragmatic theory to the analysis of speech in the live broadcast of Skintific beauty product sales on TikTok. To learn how merchants utilize language in their interactions with the audience, a qualitative approach is employed, gathering data from live broadcasts and relevant literature. The analysis's findings demonstrate that sellers use three different speech acts: perlocution to influence the audience's emotions and make decisions, illocution to instruct the audience to take certain actions, and locution to provide information. According to this study, a compelling communication approach is essential for influencing consumer behavior and boosting audience trust and engagement. These results shed light on how language functions in the context of e-commerce, especially on digital platforms, and they create new avenues for pragmatics and marketing communication study.
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