Menganalisis Penggunaan Deiksis pada Film Pendek Memorabilia Karya Galeri 24
Kata Kunci:
short films, deiksis, memorabiliaAbstrak
This research aims to analyze the use of deiksis in the short film MEMORABILIA by Galeri 24. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive, which allows researchers to explore and delve into the use of deiksis in film contexts. Research results show that there are three types of deiksis identified, namely deiksis persona, place, and time. Although short films often do not cover all examples of deiksis, this analysis succeeded in identifying some of the deiksis words used. This finding confirms that the use of deiksis and distance in short films tends to be limited, especially in the use of first, second, and third person pronouns, as well as in the deiksis context of place and time. This research provides insight into how deiksis function in building narratives and relationships between characters and audiences in short films.
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