Sistem Informasi Bencana Berbasis Web pada Kantor Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Kabupaten Pinrang
Kata Kunci:
Information Systems, Disasters, Websites, ISO 25010.Abstrak
This study aims to find out the results of the development of a Web-Based Disaster Information System at the Office of the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Pinrang Regency and the results of testing using ISO/IEC 25010. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D) or research and development with the Waterfall development model.The results of the ISO/IEC 25010 test use eight characteristics, namely functional suitability testing with the results of the system running well, reliability testing has met Telcordia standards by obtaining a score of 99%, performance efficiency testing is at grade A with a load time of 1.2 seconds, usability testing Received a score percentage of 88.7% and was in the very good category, security testing with a low security risk level, compability testing with the results of no critical problems, and portability testing with system results can run well. From the overall test results, it can be concluded that the system developed has met the overall standards, which means that the system is feasible to use.
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