Pengembangan Media Evaluasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Aplikasi Plickers pada Materi Fiqih Kelas IX Hidayatul Insan Palangkaraya
Kata Kunci:
Development, Learning Media, Plickers application-based evaluationAbstrak
This study aims to develop learning evaluation media based on Plickers application on Fiqh material for grade IX students at MTs Hidayatul Insan Palangkaraya. This research uses the Research And Development (R&D) method with ADDIE stages, which consists of five stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The results of the evaluation media trial involved 19 students and showed a very positive response. A total of 100% of students felt happy to use Plickers to answer quizzes, and 89.47% of students believed that this media helped them understand the questions better. In addition, students also expressed the desire to use Plickers again in the next quiz, and felt that the learning experience with Plickers was more exciting than the traditional method. Thus, the development of Plickers-based evaluation media is expected to be applied sustainably by teachers to increase students' engagement and understanding in the learning process.
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