Perbedaan Sistem Pendidikan di Singapura dengan Indonesia Seiring Perkembangan Zaman
DOI: Kunci:
Education, Education system, CurriculumAbstrak
Education is the most important part of life. Since then, people have been able to achieve various developments and progress in all aspects of life since they started participating in educational activities. In general, the education process has progressed very rapidly, both in terms of methods and goals to be achieved. On the other hand, in order to improve the quality of education, the Indonesian government continues to make efforts to implement various reforms in the field of education in order to improve the quality of education, namely the curriculum. The difference in curriculum systems is one way to find out the differences in aspects related to the education system in Indonesia and Singapore. This study is a qualitative study using descriptive methodology. The author collected data from magazines, books, and online media. This study uses the theory of differences in curriculum systems. The purpose of this study is to identify the differences in the curriculum systems of Indonesia and Singapore. It can be concluded that education is important for developed and developing countries. In developed countries like Singapore, the education curriculum helps to continuously improve the quality of life of the community. Meanwhile, the education curriculum was introduced to help developing countries like Indonesia to catch up.
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