Program Pemberdayaan UMKM Berbasis Digital Marketing pada Dinas Perindustrian Perdagangan dan Koperasi Kota Lhokseumawe
Kata Kunci:
Empowerment, MSME, Digital Marketing, DisperindagkopAbstrak
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises are a form of community enterprise that plays an important role in the economy, reducing the unemployment rate in Indonesia. Digital marketing-based MSME empowerment is marketing carried out using internet access, utilizing social media and other digital devices. The Department of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives of Lhokseumawe City has the task of carrying out government affairs and assistance tasks in the MSME sector, where guidance can take the form of actions, processes, training, improvements to a forum for providing knowledge, as well as supervision in providing access to community business empowerment. This training aims to find out the results of the MSME empowerment program at the Lhokseumawe City Industry Trade and Cooperatives Service and find out the obstacles that occur when introducing digital marketing to MSME players. This research uses qualitative research methods through a descriptive approach. This type of research is field research with data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that there are 4 digital marketing-based MSME empowerment programs at the Lhokseumawe City Industry Trade and Cooperatives Service, namely entrepreneurship training programs, marketing training programs, management training programs, and MSME development programs. And the obstacle that occurs is not understanding digital marketing
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